Fellow Trust volunteer and experienced butterfly recorder, Brendan Sheridan, sent the following news:
"Carried out my [butterfly] transect walk on Saturday morning [18/07/2015]. Nothing particularly unusual until I had almost finished when I caught sight of a Jay watching me from a tree close to the access track to Lower Roughdown. Whilst keeping an eye on it to get a photo my attention was taken by three butterflies moving in an upward spiral above the tree canopy. I watched two of them eventually settle and flit intermittently around the upper branches of the canopy for the next 10 minutes.
This was my first sighting of
Purple Hairstreaks (Favonius quercus) since 2013 (also at the exact same location). Pleased to see that they are still on Roughdown!"
This is really fantastic news and they should be around until early August.
Track to Further Roughdown from locked gate. Purple Hairstreaks seen in tree tops, right hand side. |